I've finally reached Elemental Master. It took me a couple of days because of my really terrible, yet unfixable lag. It's fine though. ♥ I didn't need Jordan's help either {yay didn't need to call haha.} It took me a long time to finish Hamehas because they kill me in like 2 back attacks. D: ... *Emo* And... Tengu. e__e manohmanohman. Tengu = Holy Place Of Wind (Solo) Boss. :/ Kills me in 1 back attack. Thank you spammies♥
Now that I've reached 3rd job.... I kind of don't know what to do. :/ There's nothing really out there. Besides grind grind grind. Which saddens me about advancing to 3rd. I mean I can always work on my Explorer and get it to Treasure Hunter but at the same time I really don't want to... Just because it's the same replay of everything. Which is obviously no fun.
We're supposed to have guild crop today. >:I And i hope it happens. Maybe I'll go ask my friend to grind somewhere with me.... Even though I'm sure it wont happen or whatever. It's fine though. ><;; Maybe I'll be by my lonesome self </3. Anyways. :)
I'd like to thank iChex and TheBeachBoy for helping me with my 3rd quests ♥
Love you guys!
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