So my guild master, MastaMech from LemonChicken was being nice and tried to help me patch LaTale's Update. Which.... Still doesn't work for me. -__- Internet is too slow to download so i'll have to constantly manual patch. QQQQ Disappointing ... But the files are gonna take so long to download. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i hate thissss!!!!! asjdajkhdjkasdhkjsad at my brother, please!
Are you kidding me? 24 hours... and it even has a + sign!! LIKEWTFBBQ?! *Rage* Yeet... At the same time I'm excited to go on :) Cus I♥LT. But.... When I get on; I'll just lag and not be able to complete my last 2 missions for 3rd job. ElementalMasterPRZ? How to survive stuff like this? .... e__e and this isnt the Solo/Elite room; Which I'm currently at.
ohjordan; ♥ he said he'll help me (: only if I speak to him verbally on the phone or skype. BUTWHY!? mehhh... it's fine o3o its just talking, right? :) hmm. I posted the last upload SS like around 5:30pm, and now its 12:01am and I'm still downloading the first file........ I need sleep. But I cant leave my computer on over night or I'll get slapped. >:I 88.7% go go go go go go go! Though its been at 88.7% for about.... 20 minutes or so. :/
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