Feb 24, 2011

Hoping For The Best, But Expecting The Worst.

"Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst" is my favorite quote. It's been stuck in my head for a long time. It's from a song by The Academy Is...  I'd say this quote fits in with what im about to blog about.

So my guild master, MastaMech from LemonChicken was being nice and tried to help me patch LaTale's Update. Which.... Still doesn't work for me. -__- Internet is too slow to download so i'll have to constantly manual patch. QQQQ Disappointing ... But the files are gonna take so long to download. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i hate thissss!!!!! asjdajkhdjkasdhkjsad at my brother, please!

Are you kidding me?  24 hours... and it even has a + sign!! LIKEWTFBBQ?! *Rage* Yeet... At the same time I'm excited to go on :) Cus I♥LT. But.... When I get on; I'll just lag and not be able to complete my last 2 missions for 3rd job. ElementalMasterPRZ? How to survive stuff like this? .... e__e and this isnt the Solo/Elite room; Which I'm currently at.

ohjordan; ♥ he said he'll help me (: only if I speak to him verbally on the phone or skype. BUTWHY!? mehhh... it's fine o3o its just talking, right? :) hmm. I posted the last upload SS like around 5:30pm, and now its 12:01am and I'm still downloading the first file........ I need sleep. But I cant leave my computer on over night or I'll get slapped. >:I 88.7% go go go go go go go! Though its been at 88.7% for about.... 20 minutes or so. :/

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