So.... Koyes used to take me to all the bosses I've never really done. Like Vintor, and Phoenix. :o And.... I was like, Why not try to solo it? Im not gonna lie... I got a little lost in the labyrinth, then again. >w> Labyrinth = Maze = Made to get lost = Made to make ppl QQ.
And not to mention... being the nice little ol' me. [yeah right. -chokes-] I asked people if they needed help with Vintor. @__@ And of course, there are people.
So yeah with the total time added up... I'd say like.... 15minutes? =.=
Since they kept dying and having to run back.. And I had to solo Vintor which took like 5 minutes. D: And man..... =___= 5 minutes feels like forever. Especially by yourself. xD
And for some reason, I always seem to lag when Im trying to kill him. o.o ... But after hes gone, or before hes gone, my latency is perfectly fine. xD
So besides from running a bunch of bosses with guild members... friends.... and some random people, I've been coli-ing still. Still trying to hit the 190's. :/ It's kind of boring lately. xD And I try so hard to make it on weekends -__- But my mom always seems to PLAN something without letting me know. >.>
Or my brother happens to be home and I lag... Lag = No Combo = No Attack = No Party = No leveling! D:
So much equations in this post xD hehe.
And i've been working on SS5 Scrolls. Trying to get those coins and make some money. >< Really need a master hand title.
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