A True Explorer explores the Pyramids! ... In elfa. :) So it's true, I cant grind with other people in Spooky or Coli. So i'm just going to have to quest my way to Treasure Hunter. I mean its only 24 levels.. e__e;; But I have school again tomorrow. :[[ NOOOOO!!! </3 This might take me all week to get.
So Fine! I'll do it the good ol' nub way. Not knowing what "grinding" is and taking a long time to do quests because I am a loner. Weeee. ♥
Sad thing is that all these quests around these levels really suck. And they're long and boring as hell. :( But I'll get to reminisce on the old days :] When I first started playing.
Being all noob and stuff♥. Not to mention my Explorer looks exactly like my First Character. Well... I never had function sets or awesome gear but that's not the point lool. No more grinding, no more superiors or peach cans or holy waters. Just pure questing. :) And definitely no more gift boxes! xD
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