So No One Was Selling Gold In Auction! So I had to make my way into the mines for some. :( And no! I will never really mine for ores. >:O!!! Too lazy for that. So I kill bats instead♥ But omg it took so long just for
3 golds.
So much for IDR, explorer!! Anywhoo. After a good 15 minutes of killing bats I got 3 golds :). People are saying Selki Daggers are better in the long run so I had to upgrade. >.<
That "
WELCOME" is for Denis! :] His account apparently got bugged/glitched. He's "playing" but he can't log on. Lool. It's something a lot of people are getting. "This ID is currently in play." Or something like that.
Good job OGPlanet! For not registering people's d/c's or log offs correctly. xD ... So now Denis is forced to play on a new account :( And hes missing his characters bad.
If my characters were
forever lost gone for a while, I'd be hella pissed too. :[ All that hard work and stuff.
Man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh mannn!
So w/e! I got my
3 golds and I was upgrading, But there happened to be
REALLY annoying people around, spamming
LaDeck 1st Place. Which I mean...I
don't mind. It's just when I'm enchanting, upgrading, or whatever I wanna be "
clean". o__o Like no distractions or movement.
LOL. Cus it's that dramatic, yes.
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