Mar 8, 2011

Continuing Journey.

So I've decided to keep going with my Scenarios.

I had to finish off DMP first. It was a lot easier than I expected. But then again, I'm in the 90s and im a Blader lol.  

<-- Yes My hp was that low.I mean she still hits hard and then theres poison But i didnt die cus i owned her here -->
Then I had LIMB0 join me at Sphinx. Since he has been in the party with me ALLLLLLLL day, [no. srsly. its been nearly 10hrs.] farming Sphinx anyways. Though...He lagged most of the time. So it's more like I killed it? x__X

And then it was Pandora's turn to die >:O!!!!
On my way to the mansion, I saw Joey [Intensities] sitting in pvp. :) So I decided to say Hi since I havent spoken to him in so long >< He asked me to buddy him... But I JUST went into Pandora so I couldnt. So I was like "Okay, I'll add you in like 10-15 minutes depending when I'll finish" [which actually only took like 8mins] and by the time I was out; he was gone. :( *Sigh*

I just realized how both of the pictures look so similar but it's actually not ~ lol x]. Ehh bladers don't really have anything that looks cool. o.o;;

It didn't take so long since LIMB0 decided to come and help me out also xD
For those who don't know, LIMB0 is new to the guild. :)

He randomly partied me when I was just sitting around in Elias. It was way early so no one was online, and I was really lonely. :(
I hope it wont be like how it used to be. Me, sitting there all alone, no one to talk to, guild full of people but not one person spoke to me [not LemonChicken; some other guild.] ...Eh, all loner-ish. :x Wasn't too outgoing. Was afraid to talk to random people.
I actually only completed these scenarios to get Night Owl title. This whole time; i've been running around without a title x_x. People even asked me "No title?" grrrrr. D: And wheres all those purchase king guidebooks!?!?

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