Mar 6, 2011

I Hired A Maid.

 Hello, Maid Domesti!
I got myself a cute maid. ♥ I was planning to get a White Tiger or a Tengu. But I already have one on my Saint and one on my Elemental Master. So hey, why not get a maid? :P It's only 4% max damage away from Tengu, but half the price! ;D I mean yeah its 4% but it's still pretty good. :)

 And thanks to Pet Experience Potions; It's already level 11. xDD I want to baby it! Cus it looks like a slut when its old. T__T Just like children. </3 They grow up so fast. & Some become slutty >.> Like in my school. Lol.

So today I invited a lot of people to the guild. :) And there's more to join! ♥ I really can't wait till Edwin (Michioku) joins. It's funny cus our names are basically the same LOL. I even got confused when we were in party and I thought he was leader but hes like "uhh.... Michele, youre leader." XDD.

I really hope they stay though. Already 1 person left because someone decided to argue with a new member; whom I was hoping would stay since he's really outgoing and funny. But they just HAD to fight about xbox 360 and ps3? -___- Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.

And then someone else kind of put me down. Like saying how people are just gonna leave anyways. :/ I spent time and money trying to find people... >< Bummed the joy outta me. :(( Now I just need to get to know everyone I invited.

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