Apr 23, 2011

A Mash Of Things (Again.)

 Superior XP Holy Water!?
I walked by someone's shop and noticed this really interestingly colored XP Holy Water. o_o And I've never...NEVER seen this before. :o
300% XP for 10 hours.... *Drools.*
Lets do some math, boys and girls! ♥

Alright so since today is Saturday and its 2x..
And lets say you were using a Prime + Peach + Superior Holy Water
500% + 50% + 300% [and lets say you had your Iris] + 50% = 900% EXP and....It was 2x. e__e ...... So thats more than 900%. Holy &@#^%#)!?!?!?
I have a feeling it is from this new item on the LaDeck boards. Prime LaDeck Capsule. You can get many more things such as that Ignate Title Coupon I mentioned in earlier posts.
Yay so everyone knows an update = new fashion in FS. :) Vinny was nice enough and got me these. ♥

 So one night, I was just chilling with Yamishiro and YaSlinga, and I got mail, so I ran to the mailman and I saw this amazingly hot green thing person.
So I yeah I told them to come look at how hot he is. :] And we kinda harrassed, annoyed... I mean uh.... Talked to him for a while. And then he asks "arent you guys the ones that punched Sphinx?"
 Made my day

------ Edit ------
Hey guys so I won 3rd Place LaDeck and I got the LaDeck Prime Capsule. Like I said, you can win many random things. o_o And i happened to get x35 6~10 puzzles.

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