Jun 1, 2011

Cry Me A River. Please.

Hey Guys!~ ♥ :]
Today was a semi-productive day already xD.
Leveled, Helped People Out, Spent Time with InnocentKey
(some people might know him as Nodoame).
And I have a total of 19 white wolf tears in like 2 hours of grinding. *w*
And Nope, It's not 2x, I don't use IDR, No RW to Lucky Hit and I wasn't using IDR Nostrums.

So I was holding a party for DualityBlader from the Guild, because I thought ... "Why not help someone out? I'm not doing anything anyways." And yar yar, like 30 mins later ~ my friend InnocentKey [who isn't so innocent!] was looking for people to coli because his friend needed it. I thought it was for coli quests like... gladiator? But apparently not and I ended up staying for an hour. xD I wouldn't have minded so much if our minstrel didn't dc so much... Like every time we enter and leave the dungeon lol. And thennnn..... the 2 other attackers were in the 140-150s... So I basically leeched them and I got 1% per run lol.

Grrrrs. >___< Grinding with an Elemental Master is kind of irritating sometimes. Their skills make me really laggy lol. So my combos are slower. Rawrrrs. But then I forgot to lower my graphics. It helps a lot actually. I think... I only got 20% or less. o_o So basically we only had 20 runs in an hour!? And it was half expert too. zzzzz. >w< Well that's fine. I used my advanced exp pots. Stacks.... and Stacks...of them. @__@

I miss you, "You have done well" giftboxes. :[
I have a lot more.. Just on other accounts. No need to transfer it of course. Lol.
Rawr. I really feel like grinding right now. o_o But no one is on this early...
Goal: 193. e__e;; And then maybe I'll go work on my WL some more but honestly I am so lazy xD Cus the grinding is tough in the 100's. >___< And those are the hardest levels. Like.. 107-140 is hard. zzzzz.
Off to make something to eat! IM HUNGRY. 
*Wants sushi*

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