Jun 8, 2011

Excited for Loneliness.

Lately... I've been feeling like.... That ^
[ A little scene clip from Black Rock Shooter, Which I love. ]
Read More To See Why I've Been Feeling Lonely / Excited.

[Rant.] Feeling Lonely - Okay, So here's the short little petty reason why I've been feeling kind of lonely... I know it might seem selfish, But I just had to get it out there. I bet you're wondering why not just talk to someone instead of blogging about it? Well....
It's because lately, I feel like I don't have anyone or don't know anyone on LaTale anymore. I log on, no one in the guild says Hi anymore, and I just don't feel like being ignored if I say Hi. And all my friends quit... and I really miss them. Usually I'd join a new guild if the people become a bit boring or I just don't seem to make any friends. Not sure... I ♥ My Guild, don't get me wrong. But... Just no one strikes any interest anymore. B> Friends. :/
I mean I wouldn't mind the loneliness as much if I was kept busy. But at lv190, There just isn't anything to do but.. Farm [too lazy], Grind even more [too lazy/boring] and.... Talk; To who?  Hurhur.

[Upcoming Content.] Feeling Excited - Okay! So either the end of this month or the end of July, we will be receiving sub classes!! AND I'VE BEEN WAITING SO LONG. LIKE, NOT ONLY WILL I HAVE SOMETHING TO DO BUT PPL WILL COME BACK SJAHKJASDKJHSAKJDKJWHEKJW.
Though there is.... Something that makes me not feel excited. o__e;;; .... Like, There's gonna be so many bugs. And like exp stuff and whatever will inflate like crazy, and people are gonna challenge each other to like.... be top and get sub first and this and that. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz stupid. :I

Here's a Video of Sub Classes and All Their Skills:

I'm Excited For This: [cus Strider is my main so yeaboi.]

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