Jul 7, 2011

Update 7/6/2011

This update will bound to bring you back! ♥
Unless all you want are subclasses and nothing else. :[ 

So I just came back from my trip for 2 days. And I completely forgot about LaTale's update on Wednesday! So thanks Kid for letting me know what the update was about.
So they have stuff on sale right now! 40% OFF DARTS GOGOGOGOGOGO.

Anyways. There's new box events everyone has been waiting for!!!!
So they are from the fashion shop. They are called Gold Needles, you have to farm Water Balloons and stuff.
You can get a bunch of things. Such as Holy Water Box, Supers, etc.

They also released new Melee and Magic packs!
New Fashion As Well :]

Oh I forgot to mention! The gold needles give you a chance to win either 1st - 3rd place items from LaDeck! ;) and something special called "Holy Water Box"

Updating later! D: Gotta do a lot of things, sorry for such sloppiness >w<
And there is one in-game! Farm your butts off because this one is big! There is a chance you get win ANY diggable fashion you want! And not to mention, a TENGU PET! :) And there are these new potions that give you more points when you're in pvp. So farm your butts off cus I know i will.
 You collect "Green Thumbs" which are like little trees placed in your Consume inventory. And with that you exchange it with an Abio Ranger and he'll let you dig in a certain spot. There's a box called Fancy Box which allows you to win diggable fashions and stuff ;D even that tengu pet i mentioned!

I forgot to add a few more things, so here we go. :3
There is a new item that you can get from the in-game box event. It's called Gemstone Stand Paint. It basically allows you r shop to look really really pretty! It's basically a shop license. Here's a screen shot of how the shops look like when you're using the Gemstone Stand Paint. Not to mention, your character moves around, waving at people. o_o Basically attraction.
 *scribbles out people's name and shop title* raaaaaawr.

Addition to the new fashion, there is a new functional set! It's based on Sherlock Holmes of course. x] I havent seen anyone with it yet, But if i do i'll post up a picture :] It's not that great of a set unless you're a Luck Hoar. *cough TH/RW*
EDIT: okay so here is how it looks ;D

And do you remember seeing that "00+Chance" thing when you're taking a quiz? WELL ~ Now there's an item out there that allows you to have 10 EXTRA chances!
1 Chance Chance = 1 Extra Chance.
Yay New Hair? :P

Left: Dark Purple Straight
Right: Light Purple Twin Tail

Sorry D: But i got really lazy to update this time... ;w; Maybe when im a little less busy/rushingg.

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